Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Blog #20: Fed vs AntiFed Interview!
For the current political mater we discussed in class, I have chosen to discuss Prop. 19, the legalization of marijuana. Currently there has been a battle of right and wrong between the government and the state about wether marijuan should be legalized as a recreational drug. The state of california had decided that marijuana could be legalized for recreational use and should be available to the public for purchase once a person reaches an appointed age. Some californians believe that the money spent on marijuana that goes to the drug cartels anyways could potentially go to the state if it were legalized. Putting taxes on marijuana would help the state be able to provide more for education and other fields of interest where money is needed. Another benefit of the legalization of marijuana is that it would reduce drug related crimes both north and south of the border. Every year hundreds of innocent people fall victim to the ruthless murders of the mexican drug cartel. Two months ago, policia raided a cartel stronghold and seized 151 kilograms of marijuana. The cartel leader retaliated by ordering the slaughtering of 151 people.
Choose at least one person not in this class whose opinion you respect. Interview this person to seek their ideas and opinions about the issues inherent in the element of history you have chosen.
Ideally, you want to quote this person, but it is okay to paraphrase their ideas at certain points, if necessary.
Please post your interview to your blog no later than 12/8/10 at 11:59:59 pm.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Life: The Book Reflection
The part of my writing that I am the most proud of would probably have to be the second paragraph where I describe the historical background of transgenic animals and the scientists who discovered them. I like how crisp the writing sounds and the way it gets the idea out in an easy and organized way.
2. What are some changes or new ideas that you have developed in your writing through the course of this semester?
This semester I was introduced to the concept of starting with an anecdote. I think this is an exceptional way to start a paper because you connect with the reader early on in writing which makes them want to read on.
3. If you had a little more time to work on your writing for LifE: The Book, what would you do differently? What would you change about your writing?
If I had more time to work on this paper I think I would use it to work on adding details about specific transgenic animals. The most interesting part of my paper is reading about the different kinds of transgenic animals to date and their uses in society. I would also include some of my ideas for possible transgenic animals to add some comic relief to the article.
4. How has the additional element of publication in a book affected the way you approach writing?
Knowing that my article was going to be published in a book for all to see really motivated me to try harder when I was writing the body of my article. I wanted to actually inform the reader about my topic and leave the with a firm grasp on the concept of transgenic animals.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Blog#18: Senate Health Care Hearings
As Paul Krugman, I strongly support Universal health care as opposed to Free Market health care. My goals are to abolish reaganomics and establish a fair government runned health program. Ideally a bill like Medicare would be most beneficial but Obamacare will will have to suffice. The following are my basic goals for the Health Care Hearing:
-Employment based coverage for all citizens.
-Coverage for people with preexisting medical conditions, such as cancer patients who are sometimes denied coverage by insurance providers.
-Entire middle class population to have insurance.
-Reform that controls Health Care Costs.
-Medicare for all.
-A better Health plan than what we have now.
What do you want to accomplish?
I plan to hopefully convince the senators that a universal health care plan will save our country money in the long run. I will give examples of situations where free market health care ends up costing more than universal health care would cost. I would like to refer to the article entitled "Million Dollar Murray" as proof that our tax money is already paying for peoples medical bills who dont deserve it. Why not share the wealth with the average citizen and improve the quality of life for middle class citizens who arent given medical coverage by their employers.
Paul Krugman on health care: it's a social responsibility.
Watch this Video!
Million Dollar Murray
How do you plan to accomplish it?
I plan to collaborate with the democratic senators to prepare for some questions that might spark up an intellectual conversation. As for the republican party's questions, I don't associate with their kind so I plan on pleading the 5th.
Who are you working with to get this done?
Erica, Nate and I have all done some research on the outstanding economic statistics that involve health care. For each question I answer, i plan on including important statistics and evidence to back it up.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Blog #17: More Opposing Viewpoints!
Finally, discuss what you believe. Aim for a thoughtful explanation of your beliefs.
In the course of this blog post, please quote at least once from each article.
The first two articles talk about how health care is too expensive because the amount of money people will be paying is too much. It is already shown that the ratio of working people to retired old people is that there are more old people, and the working amount of people is slowly declining. "In the 43 years since America decided that health care for the elderly would be paid for by people still working, the ratio of workers to seniors has steadily declined. And the number of seniors living long enough to have five or more chronic conditions -- 23 percent of Medicare beneficiaries -- has increased." They say the government is already in debt and the plans for Obama's health care is already messed up. "And even if you put aside the demerits of a government-run health system, Obama’s health-care “funding” plans are completely falling apart. Not only will Obama’s health program cost at least twice as much as his $650 billion estimate, but his original plan to fund the program by auctioning off carbon-emissions warrants (through the misbegotten cap-and-trade system) has fallen through."
The next two articles argue that health care is not expensive. They talk about how we are already paying for universal health care with taxes, so it would not make a difference if we made it nation-wide health care. "We now have the worst of both worlds: we are paying for universal health coverage, but not getting it. In fact, we pay more for health care in taxes than countries that provide universal coverage. Then we pay more than that amount again in private coverage. Additionally, what we have now in the U.S. is nowhere near a free market in health care." They say that what we are already pay in taxes goes to more than just health care. It is implying that if we had health care we would actually be paying less. " The U.S. health care system is typically characterized as a largely private-sector system, so it may come as a surprise that more than 60% of the $2 trillion annual U.S. health care bill is paid through taxes, according to a 2002 analysis published in Health Affairs by Harvard Medical School associate professors Steffie Woolhandler and David Himmelstein. Tax dollars pay for Medicare and Medicaid, for the Veterans Administration and the Indian Health Service. Tax dollars pay for health coverage for federal, state, and municipal government employees and their families, as well as for many employees of private companies working on government contracts."
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Blog #16: Opposing viewpoints & your topic for Life: The Book
The topic that I chose for my genetic engineering research paper is Transgenic Animals. Personally, I don't think that Transgenic Animals are even in the same ball park as America's health care plan, but studies show that advances in this field hold promising results in medical studies.
Finally, discuss what you believe. Aim for a thoughtful explanation of your beliefs.
I believe that universal health care would greatly improve the quality of life for many of Americans underprivileged citizens. Many homeless people have to live their lives on the cold, hard streets because of medical bills that they couldn't afford to pay for. Over 62% of all bankrupcies are the result of medical debt, which is striking because the majority of european countries figured out that by giving all of its citizens equal rights to health care.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Blog #15: Life: The Book & American History
One main problem that America faces is the amount of people who cant afford insurance. America contains the largest amount of uninsured people than any other country. One way that the government is trying to fix this is by the Affordable Care act which gives Americans new rights and benefits, including helping more children get health coverage, ending lifetime and most annual limits on care, and giving patients access to recommend preventive services without cost-sharing. This is one new law that Obama is using to try and help fix our corrupt Health Care system.
1. Using a specific example, describe what makes a compelling character in narrative nonfiction or literary journalism.
A compelling character must have a deep underlying connection with the reader and must have goals that the audience wants to see get fulfilled. They should have conflict, motifs and be relevant to the target audience. You want the characters to add importance to the writing. The characters in Open Channels knew what they were talking about and they also had a character with the disease that was the main focus of the article.
2. Using a specific example, describe what makes an interesting plot in narrative nonfiction or literary journalism.
In narrative nonfiction and literary journalism, a good plot consists of having a unique character that overcomes a significant obstacle throughout his journey. The journey itself is the plot and should consist of five parts: Introduction, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action and Resolution. The plot should be relevant to the readers life so they can make text to self connections.
3. What specific steps do authors take to write non-jargon-based scientific writing?
Authors can have their writing critiqued by people who are not familiar with scientific jargon and replace the words that the audience might not understand. Another way is by using analogies to explain different processes involved in biology. Comparing the way DNA unwinds to a zipper on your jacket that unzips similarly.
4. What specific steps do authors take to encourage their readers to connect with their stories?
A tactic that authors use to help readers deeply connect with the story in to invent a character that is lovable and somewhat of an underdog. If the reader feels pity towards the protagonist then they are likely to continue reading to find out what happens to him.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Blog #14: Life: The Book & Humanities
The stage of life that I am most interested in writing about would probably have to be adulthood, though any stage would be acceptable. My relevant genetic engineering topic is transgenic animals, animals whose genome has been purposely altered in order to produce eccentric effects that would not normally occur in nature.
2. Describe at least one relevant government agency that works in this area. Describe the current news related to your topic & this government agency and embed a minimum of one news story (print, tv, audio, etc.) in your description.
Genetic Mutation Turns Tot into Superboy
This article talks about a genetic mutation found in a young boy in germany. DNA testing proved that the boy underwent genetic mutation that promotes muscle growth. As a result, the boy's strength has reached near super-human levels. Scientist predict that his condition can lead to scientific breakthroughs in the field of genetics.
3. Describe at least one relevant historical, cultural, economic, geographical, or literary example or concept that relates to your ideas for your article. Include at least two relevant links to evidence and further research in your writing. Strive for detail & evidence in your connections.
4. Please repeat all of the above steps... This time, focus on a different aspect of genetic technology and/or different humanities content.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Blog #13: Life—The Book!
1) Genetic Mutations
Genetic mutations can affect all of the stages of life but I would prefer to focus on adolescence.
Science: Genetic Mutations can result in wide variety of after effects including physical abnormalities and mental disorders.
Humanities: Though very rare, genetic mutation affects a select few people every year. Scientists say that studies linked to genetic mutation can lead to breakthroughs in the biotechology industry in the near future.
2) Birth Defects
Science: Birth Defects can be a result of genetic problems caused when one or more genes doesn't work properly or part of a gene is missing.
Humanities: I think that Birth Defects should be a primary concern for all pregnant couples. Parents need to be educated on the causes that lead to birth defects and preventative measures that can help the baby develop properly.
3)Transgenic Animals
Science: An animal in which there has been a deliberate modification of its genome
Humanities: Transgenic Animals have the potential to help improve Human welfare in several ways including agriculture, medicine and industry.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Blog #12: Beginning the Internship Brainstorm
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Blog #11: Twitter!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Blog #10: Dying for Dixie
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Blog #9: The Civil
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Blog #8:The Constitution, The News & You
Sunday, September 26, 2010
American Icons Reflection
Prompt: You will produce a highly polished piece of reflective writing in which you describe your place in a continuum of American Icons.
I think that the key words in the prompt are “describe your place in a continuum”. The assignment’s objective is captured in that simple phrase. To me the prompt is basically asking: “Who is your icon and how can you relate to him/her?” I think that I answered the questions reasonably well and I am confident that the reader will understand my references with some background knowledge of the show. I think that the second to last and last paragraph of my essay communicate to the reader, my opinion of my icon and how I see him.
I think that the intro to my paper was done pretty well. The anecdote serves as a hook that grabs the reader attention early on and makes them want to keep reading. I have been experimenting with good anecdotes and it seems to be effective so I shall most likely try this method again. I think that If I could improve one part of my writing, I would want to improve the flow of my writing. The transition between paragraphs doesn’t flow as smoothly as I would have liked it. Using the writing tips, I think I can improve my writing in the future.
I think that an appropriate score for my work would be 50/60. I tried very hard to produce highly polished writing by using what I learned in class and reviewing my notes. The image that I produced with my work could have used some improvement. I was my first time using most of those applications so I will have to work on my photography and photo editing in my spare time so I wont have any problems in the future.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Blog #7
Thursday, September 16, 2010
American Icons Project
By: Jon Silva
Recently, I went to Mexico for a week during summer vacation. When the sun goes down, there is not much to do outdoors so I planned ahead and rented the first season of Dexter to bring with me. As the credits rolled after the first episode, I was hooked. The protagonist of the series was so interesting that I could not resist watching the next episode because the curiosity was too much. I ended up watching the entire season in two nights (that’s six hours a day!). I grew attached to Dexter and it feels like if I hung out with him, we would be best friends.
Dexter Morgan is the mild-mannered forensics analyst for the Miami Metro Police Department. In his spare time he has a peculiar habit of tracking down murderers and “disposing” of them. Dexter has the ability to manage several difficult tasks at once. Whether it taking care of work, his needy girlfriend, or dismembering the corpses of bad people, Dexter can stay on top of all of it.
I think that the most iconic thing about Dexter is his set of morals. He has a sturdy sense of right and wrong and uses a list of rules to determine if a person’s offence is deserving of death. If the target has taken an innocent life then they must pay the ultimate price. I respect Dexter because he manages to stay in control of his work, family and hobby.
“People fake a lot of human interactions, but I feel like I fake them all, and I fake them very well, that's my burden, I guess.” Dexter has an inhuman side to him that emerges periodically. He becomes a beast without emotion that kills for the satisfaction. Dexter is also pretty normal on a certain level. He laughs, loves and learns just like everyone else. He disagrees with the current justice system, which is why he feels like he has to takes matters into his own hands.
I admire Dexter’s sense of morality and his ability to live a balanced and healthy lifestyle. These are some goals I have set for myself and I find Dexter to be a good example of an intelligent man with a stable career and a fulfilling life. Dexter is a man of logic and a man of mystery, which is what I find most interesting about him. If you haven’t seen the show, go to your nearest video store and check it out. I promise that it’s worth your while.(All 36 hours of it)
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Blog #5: Questions about our writing...
I think that the most iconic thing about Dexter is his set of morals. He has a sturdy sense of right and wrong and uses a list of rules to determine if a person’s offence is deserving of death. If the target has taken an innocent life then they must pay the ultimate price. I respect Dexter because he manages to stay in control of his work, family and hobby."
1) Which words could I replace to make it sound better?
2)Does it make sense?
3)How could I better organize these paragraphs?
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Blog #4: Icons Loop
Recently, I went to Mexico for a week during summer vacation. When the sun goes down, there is not much to do outdoors so I planned ahead and rented the first season of Dexter to bring with me. As the credits rolled after the first episode, I was hooked. The protagonist of the series was so interesting that I could not resist watching the next episode because the curiosity was too much. I ended up watching the entire season in two nights(thats six hours a day!). I grew attached to Dexter and it feels like if I hung out with him, we would be best friends. He has inspired me to change how I think about life and helped me see that by being responsible I can live a great life.
I admire Dexter’s sense of morality and his ability to live a balanced and healthy lifestyle. These are some goals I have set for myself and I find Dexter to be a good example of an intelligent man with a stable career and a fulfilling life. Dexter is a man of logic and a man of mystery, which is what I find most interesting about him. If you havent seen the show, go to your nearest video store and check it out. I promise that it’s worth your while.(All 36 hours of it)
1)I feel like these paragraphs are good for an opener/close because they speak to the reader on a human level, therefore establishing an early writer-reader bond. I want to give the essay a warm intro and outro that keeps the reader thinking.
2)Both talk about how Dexter inspires me and what he represents in my eyes.
3)When a reader walks away from my paper I want him/her to think about being all they can be and to give Dexter a chance.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Blog #3: American Icons and Resources
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Blog #2: American Icon Ideas
I chose Dexter as a possible icon because he delivers justice when the law fails. Dexter works with law enforcement by day as a forensics analyst, but has a hobby of tracking down killers that slipped through the fingers of the police department and disposing of them. Dexter operates with a set of principles that determine whether a subject deserves to die. He also maintains a set of rules the prevent him from getting caught. I think that Dexter does what he does for reasons not of his own and in a weird way is a protector that saves people from potential harm.
Zach Galifinakis