Thursday, September 2, 2010

Blog #2: American Icon Ideas

Possible American Icons Choices:


I chose Dexter as a possible icon because he delivers justice when the law fails. Dexter works with law enforcement by day as a forensics analyst, but has a hobby of tracking down killers that slipped through the fingers of the police department and disposing of them. Dexter operates with a set of principles that determine whether a subject deserves to die. He also maintains a set of rules the prevent him from getting caught. I think that Dexter does what he does for reasons not of his own and in a weird way is a protector that saves people from potential harm.

Zach Galifinakis
Zach Galifinakis represents a cool new kind of comedy that makes real time situations into awkward moments with celebrities and others. Now a budding actor, Zach has made appearances in movies as a comic relief such as Allen from The Hangover. I think Zach represents a simpler time when people could be brought together by the joy of laughter.

Steve Miller
Steve Miller is one my favorite musicians who has a unique sound and talent. As a singer/guitarist/songwriter he has produced several masterpieces such as "fly like an eagle". I am inspired by his music and wish I could have seen him perform while he was still good. Like Jimi Hendrix, Steve Miller combined aspects from several different genres of music to create something innovative and psychadelic. I think that he is an important icon because of the influence his music has on its audience. It has an enlightening effect on them. The sounds create the sensation that I am dissolving into an invisible cloud floating up into the heavens.

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