Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blog #8:The Constitution, The News & You

As i was browsing the internet, I came across a republican biased website that had an article called "Obama Violates Separation of Powers". I was intrigued by the accusation so I clicked and proceeded. The following are responses to the blog prompt:

1) Written May 13, 2009 this article may no longer be relevant yet at the time, republican advocates claimed that Obama has somehow violated the constitution and that he should be punished. Obama's task force assisted Chrystler Corporation when they filed for bankruptcy the court is responsible to temporarily protect the company's foundation until the company is able to resurrect itself. They refunded 29 cents to the dollar for all stockholders while giving the UAW a much higher intrest rate at 55%.

"It is not the responsibility nor does the Obama administration have the Constitutional authority to negotiate, restructure, decide stock options and who and how much stock holder are payed for their investment, or decide budgetary matters with any company seeking or within the perimeters of bankruptcy protection because it is strictly a Judicial matter and as such is Constitutionally handled by the courts and not the White House."

This quote clearly states the author's argument on why Obama has violated the costitution.

2) The constitution states that no entity ,beyond the authority of the President, within the Executive Branch is allowed to interfere with trials. Obama has harmlessly violated the constitution in an indirect way. His task force has seized control of the Crystler situation rather then having it go through the standard judicial procedure.

3) The author sees Obama as a dictator and clearly has it out for him. This article is simply one man's opinion and may have evoked counter arguments, thus engaging in an all-out war of words. I think that it is interesting about how seriously people can take the constitution(the author) in modern times as well as how relaxed they are about it.(everyone else)

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