Friday, December 3, 2010

Life: The Book Reflection

1. What are you most proud of in your Life: The Book writing? Try to describe this is detail!
The part of my writing that I am the most proud of would probably have to be the second paragraph where I describe the historical background of transgenic animals and the scientists who discovered them. I like how crisp the writing sounds and the way it gets the idea out in an easy and organized way.

2. What are some changes or new ideas that you have developed in your writing through the course of this semester?
This semester I was introduced to the concept of starting with an anecdote. I think this is an exceptional way to start a paper because you connect with the reader early on in writing which makes them want to read on.

3. If you had a little more time to work on your writing for LifE: The Book, what would you do differently? What would you change about your writing?
If I had more time to work on this paper I think I would use it to work on adding details about specific transgenic animals. The most interesting part of my paper is reading about the different kinds of transgenic animals to date and their uses in society. I would also include some of my ideas for possible transgenic animals to add some comic relief to the article.

4. How has the additional element of publication in a book affected the way you approach writing?
Knowing that my article was going to be published in a book for all to see really motivated me to try harder when I was writing the body of my article. I wanted to actually inform the reader about my topic and leave the with a firm grasp on the concept of transgenic animals.

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