1) Genetic Mutations
Genetic mutations can affect all of the stages of life but I would prefer to focus on adolescence.
Science: Genetic Mutations can result in wide variety of after effects including physical abnormalities and mental disorders.
Humanities: Though very rare, genetic mutation affects a select few people every year. Scientists say that studies linked to genetic mutation can lead to breakthroughs in the biotechology industry in the near future.

2) Birth Defects
Science: Birth Defects can be a result of genetic problems caused when one or more genes doesn't work properly or part of a gene is missing.
Humanities: I think that Birth Defects should be a primary concern for all pregnant couples. Parents need to be educated on the causes that lead to birth defects and preventative measures that can help the baby develop properly.

3)Transgenic Animals
Science: An animal in which there has been a deliberate modification of its genome
Humanities: Transgenic Animals have the potential to help improve Human welfare in several ways including agriculture, medicine and industry.
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