Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blog #11: Twitter!

The article I chose to read was the editorial titled: Judge imposes ban on 'don't ask, don't tell' policy on gays in the military. I learned that supporters of the 'don't ask, don't tell' policy believe that banning gays will preserve military readiness, but studies have show the opposite, stating that the policy had a "direct and deleterious effect" on the military. I think that if people are willing to fight for their country and even willing to die for it, then who are we to stop them. I would assume that having gays in the military could get awkward in some situations such as showering and undressing.
Every man has needs. In the military, sex is a luxury and usually only obtained while on shore leave or something. When the soldiers of the military are surrounded by men for the majority of time they serve it leaves little opprutunity to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh. With gays in the military, the situation might be different since they would be surrounded by potential mates. I think this is the reason why the policy was established in the first place and it makes perfect sense. I think that an alternative should be offered for gays in the military as to not complicate the current system, such as allowing them to help distribute equipment or cook the food.

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